Sunday, October 10, 2010


Last month we the kids and I took a road trip to FL. We had a purpose, a mission: Nick and Karly (and mostly I) wanted to meet the newest addition--Katherine Elizabeth Kimmel! Amanda and Chris had a beautiful daughter 8/31/10. We actually had planned on meeting her much earlier. In fact, we were about 250 miles into our first trip when Nick woke up and said, "Mommy, my throat hurts. My ear hurts." HALT...we turned around and headed back home. Oh well, I'm glad it happened before we got there.

I was amazed to see how little a newborn is. You really do forget just how tiny they are. She is precious, adorable and beautiful. She has a great temperament too...perfect baby Kate is. It is so fun to see Amanda with her newborn. Finally, I'm not the only Worrow with a kid. I have a sister to talk to about kid things without totally boring her. :)

Nick was so excited to meet Kate. This is him holding her for the first time. Karly was "petting" her. Adorable.

I think Kate might be a tall one. She is tiny, but very lengthy - just like mommy and daddy.


Amanda said...

I especially love this post ;) You knew I would! I can't thank you enough for answering all my new Mommy questions. I'm lucky to have you, you've put my mind at ease at least a dozen times already...probably hundreds more to come. Love you, I hope I'm half as good a Mommy as you are.

Molly said...

I love how young children pet babies!! Both of mine did that! And how fun that your kids have a cousin now! Congrats!!