Thursday, April 9, 2009

Workin' at the Carwash

This weekend we worked outside for a couple hours...washing the cars. After Nicholas saw that Dad had a bucket and scrub brush he said "keen, keen". We found his bucket and brush and he joined in...he's such a helper! He was sick, but he had spurts of energy. He had fun washing the cars, but once we came in he didn't feel so well:(

Here he is...telling me he doesn't feel so good anymore. Time for some "Elmo's Christmas Countdown", the couch, and some juice. Throw in an ear and he's in Heaven!

Awe...much better.

1 comment:

~Mrs. Hughes said...

What a good little helper! Evan is so afraid of cars right now, I don't know what the deal is. I would love to have an extra set of hands helping me on the cars...oh wait that's daddy's job.