You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days
Hadn't gone by so fast
So, Nicholas and I were laying in bed this morning...(he was sleeping and I was WIDE awake) and he started doing something that he has done since he was a tiny baby--held onto my ear. For those that haven't seen this it is quite funny! Whenever Nicholas is tired, scared, sick, or just wants to cuddle he HAS to have an ear in his hand. He will usually rub it for a while (sometimes a long while!) until he falls asleep or is comforted enough to move on. As he was holding onto my ear I thought about how I would surely miss these moments when they are gone; when he's too old to even think about touching my ear!! Even though he can do some damage - he's been known to draw blood - I love it... So here we have a picture of Nicholas holding onto my ear this morning (be thankful I didn't get my whole face!). And, yes, he's fast asleep.

The next few lines of the chorus are equally as true:
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
I suppose I feel lucky to have realized this in the moment...instead of 5, 10, or 20 years from now. I really do treasure my life today; the people in it are amazing. I'm lucky and I know it!!
ok...I'm frustrated...I can't get the spacing right on this post and it doesn't look nice:(.
I absolutely loovvve this song, I bought it the minute I heard it because it is so true. These moments with our little ones, as stressful as the can be, are such a treasure. We are so incredibly lucky to share each and every minute of their day with them. :)
I love the ear thing! That is so odd, and adorable! It such a sweet time in their lives to witness, they truly grow up too fast.
Holly, I'm so proud of you and Rob. Your raising a wonderful son and soon a daughter will be dividing your time but not your love. The song has great words and they are so true.
Well said! Sorry I have not heard that song yet but will look it up on itunes. These moments are the moments we will cherish f-o-r-e-v-e-r! It's too bad it goes by so fast.
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