Wednesday, October 13, 2010

50 Amazing Facts About Princess Karly

1. She is sick. Croup. Not fun, not pretty. Weezing, coughing, puking. Not sleeping. Her or me.
2. She is 1.5 years old.
3. She is truly a dainty princess.
4. She loves her Daddy.
5. She follows her brother around and is constantly interested in playing with him. Luckily, he is equally as interested.
6. She prefers to do as she pleases...until she hears me say, "Okay Karly, bye.".
7. She went through a clingy stage, but seems to have outgrown it.
8. She sleeps in her own room from 7:30 - 7ish.
9. She LOVES milk.
10. Actually, she loves any food or drink. If she hears a wrapper, smells food or sees it she is all over it in a matter of seconds.
11. She loves to be tickled.
12. I can't believe I made it to twelve without mentioning her thumb. SHE LOVES HER THUMB. For now, I'm perfectly happy and okay with that. :) I've never had to remember to pack a pacifier for her...she's always been uninterested.
13. Read, read, read. That is all she wants to do. She will get a book, hand it over and snuggle up...thumb in mouth.
14. She can say quite a few words and communicate pretty much anything that she may want.
15. She hates the word "bedtime".
16. She loves to take a bath with her brother.
17. She is spoiled by her Aunts, Uncles, and Grandparents.
18. I won't cut her hair. I'm growing it out. I'll be happy when her bangs are long enough to shove behind her ears. Until then it's a spiked pony-tail on the top of her head...if she'll keep it in.
19. Her favorite food is...what am I talking about? She's never met a food she didn't like.
20. She was born on 4/20. I commented to Rob on the way to the hospital. "Really, 4/20?". Most of you will know what that means.
21. She was tiny. The doctor told me, "That's the easiest $4,000 I ever made."
22. She's always had such a great temperament. She is very laid back. Never cries much.
23. However, she is very sensitive. If you raise your voice or punish her she becomes very upset. Her feeling are hurt. I think she gets that from my sister Kendra.
24. Another of her favorites is playing blocks with Nick. She likes to create the "earthquake".
25. She loves to ride her bike. But, she's better at scootching along on her tot wanna-be bike.
26. She likes to sneak food and hide while she's eating it. I've found her with ice cream, yogurt, and pizza. The best was the pizza. I found her eating it in the cabinet!
27. She can name most of her body parts.
28. She loves babies. Whenever she sees one she says "hi baby". I think she wants to pet the baby.
29. She is easily startled.
30. She loves her music class. In fact, she loves any music. She's the first to get out there and shake her booty.
31. Her favorite show is probably Caillou or Mickey.
32. She loves to play ring-around-the rosy and duck-duck-goose.
33. Whatever Nick is doing is usually what she wants to do.
34. She will even join him in "time out". That doesn't help the punishment aspect...
35. She likes to color and do crafts.
36. She likes to sing her ABC's.
37. She is stingy with the kisses, but generous with the hugs.
38. "That, that". That is her favorite word. If she doesn't know what something is she points and says, "that?".
39. She loves grits too. And Special K Loaf. Mmmmm!
40. She will often get a little attitude and say "Hey, hey".
41. When Nick is at school I will ask her if she is ready to go get Nick. Every time she shakes her head yes.
42. If I ask her who she wants to call it's always "Papa".
43. I will need to get a job if I want to make her an experienced shopper! Her Auntie Kim may have to take us to lunch w/ margarita's if I'm supposed to spend a lot of $!!!!
44. She just picked up her purse and said goodbye.
45. I can't stand the thought of her going through adolescence. I don't want her to ever have any pain or hurt.
46. I suppose that's just part of life. I just want everything bad to steer clear of my Karly.
47. I know Nick will take care of her. So will her Daddy and I. She won't need it though. She's a strong one.
48. She loves to run in the rain.
49. She loves makeup...already?!
50. She is the sunshine in my life. So is Nick.

Geesh, I know this was a scattered 50. It's so much easier to write about someone a little older. Someone that can communicate a little bit more. Anyway, please forgive the randomness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, she is a mirror of her mother at 18 months, but....Holly had an older sister and that's a bit different than having an older brother...Nick. Holly was the bossy one in our family....and she probably still is! Love, Grandma Mary