Sunday, October 10, 2010

50 Facts About------The One and Only Nick Ballenger

1. Likes to sleep with Mommy and Daddy...preferably Mommy (I'm gloating!).
2. Loves his little sister to pieces. She is truly his best friend. I hope it lasts.
3. Loves grits. That's my guy!
4. Would rather be outside than inside.
5. Loves his Grandma's and Grandpa's. They talk regularly. His face lights up when they call him.
6. Likes to shop.
7. In fact, he once told me that my job was "to buy me things".
8. I can't disagree. I buy my kids too much.
9. He loves the bottle. He was bottle-free for well over a year. Regression.
10. He has destroyed all but one nipple. That will be the last one I buy. He can enjoy it until he bites it away. Pick your battles, right?
11. He calls Karly "Sweets", just like his Daddy.
12. He adores his Dad.
13. He has informed me that he and daddy are boys and they fix things. Karly and I are girls and we don't.
14. As I mentioned in my "50 Facts About Me" he still holds my ear. I swear my ears are going to be down to my shoulders before long.
15. I am easily irritated by the ear thing...oh wait, this isn't about me.
16. He has recently undergone a growth spurt. His hair and legs are looooong.
17. He loves school. I think we started off the year on a bad foot. He was sick a few days during the first days of school. Now everyday he says, "Mommy, do I have school today? I think I'm sick". He really does love it though.
18. He talks about his teachers a LOT. Ms. Julie and Ms. Alma are the best.
19. He is sick right now. I hope it's not going to turn into croup. I never want to ride in an ambulance with my son again. Even more, I never want him to be in one.
20. He is loving. I always have been an affectionate person. I'm glad that he is too. I love the "I love you"'s and hugs.
21. He tells Rob that he is his best friend. He tells him almost daily.
22. He tells me that I'm the best mom ever.
23. He tells Karly that she is his best girl.
24. He loves Caillou. So do I. It's really a great show for kids.
25. He just asked me, "Mom, is there milk in your boobies?"!!! Lol! Never again.
26. His favorite food is yogurt. Ice cream with Dad is a close second.
27. He is fully potty trained (except for the occasional "on purpose" on the floor, bed or couch).
28. He got a fish for doing pee's and poo's on the potty.
29. He named his fish "Ta-tay". Don't ask me where it came from.
30. He likes to make up words. Pee-ar-dy is another one of his favorites.
31. He likes to sneak a pee or poo in my closet or under the dining room table.
32. He is really good at baseball. He can hit a ball like a least that's what mommy thinks!
33. He loves to do "school time" at home.
34. He still talks about his friends in California.
35. When we were leaving FL he said, "Can I bring this bug that I won at ChuckeCheese?". Ummmm...he got that when he was about 1.5. I'm amazed with his memory.
36. I hope he doesn't remember me angry. :(
37. He loves, "Round and round the garden goes the little bear. One step, two step, tickle under there". Thanks Grandma Jo! It's a hit with all kids.
38. He is very social.
39. If he sees his friends out we have to drop everything and go play. That's the way it should be.
40. He is like his dad. Not very shy. I'm happy about that.
41. He is quite the traveler. He has been on countless airplanes and numerous looooong car rides. He's always enjoyed it. On our last airplane trip he was about 2. He put his backpack on the conveyor for surveillance and took his shoes off! I didn't even have to ask him to.
42. He has always had large lymph nodes in his neck. I have had them checked. Doctor says no worries unless they become hard, red or sore. I still worry.
43. He loves to count his freckles.
44. He loves the park.
45. He has told me that his job is to take care of the babies. Karly, Dylan, and Kate are his babies.
46. Our back yard is known as: Nick's Park. He'll often say, "Let's go to my park".
47. He has the cutest nose...he get's it from his Dad.
48. For Halloween this year he is going to be a "Brave Knight". Not sure where he came up with the idea...
49. He loves to cook, clean, or make a mess in the kitchen.
50. He is the sunshine in my life! Karly is too!


~Mrs. Hughes said...

So now that you posted 50 facts about Nick, we need to hear 50 for Karly. You knew that was coming huh?

Amanda said...

I love love love him!! He is all of those things and so much more. Great post! He's so smart and creative and loving! I'm glad Kate has him :)
Love you guys!!