Saturday, July 18, 2009

Oh Well...Happens!!

Although I don't have any pictures for you (still using Rob's work computer...which will not allow me to upload) I had to share Nicholas' latest! There are many times throughout the day when we experience an "uh oh" or mishap...that's just part of being a toddler. Well, Nicholas has started saying "Oh well...Happens..."! For example, when Nicholas dumps his bowl of cereal on floor "accidently" he'll look at me and say "Oh well...Happens". Sometimes I think he does things just so he can say it. Silly guy! His second favorite saying is "" while pursing his lips and shaking his head. He's so full of stories and this is a really fun time in his life.


TessBenson said...

That is the CUTEST!

Unknown said...

that is so stinking cute! Kayla is now finally starting to actually talk and say the funniest things. Gotta love them at this age!

Jennifer Willey said...

When you get the chance, you'll have to video some of these funny moments.