Today we went for Karly's 4 month well-check. I can't believe it's been 4 months! I think I'm trying to hold on to her infancy becuase I know I'm not having any more children. The doctor visit was quite adventurous! In the past, I've always left Nicholas with Jill or a family member, but this time it was just us.
The first words out of my mouth when Nicholas woke up were "We're taking Karly to the doctor today. Are you going to help Mommy?" His reply was, "Yes, help Mommy...Karly, it's ok". Well we got to the office and into the room and what do you think happened???? Nick pooped! And, lately when Nick poops he doesn't try to hide it...he wants it out of his pants. Once I got his pants changed he was all about tongue compressors and comforting Karly. He is so protective of Karly. It makes me proud! He is so concerned with her and her well-being. I love it!
This is not to say that Nicholas doesn't need comforting! He says "Mama, hold you" many times throughout the day. I love it, but it can be hard when I'm holding Karly. He's still an "ear man" so as long as I can spare an ear he's usually okay.
We've been out of Band-Aid's for a couple days so we bought some today. I let him pick them out (or so he thought...we bought the ones on sale). Anyway, once we got home it was all about boo boo's.
We've been out of Band-Aid's for a couple days so we bought some today. I let him pick them out (or so he thought...we bought the ones on sale). Anyway, once we got home it was all about boo boo's.

Here he is examining one of his many band-aids.

...and, here he is posing with all his boo-boo's. It actually turned into a great counting game. We counted his band-aid's more times than I can, well....count!

Most of you know that Amanda stayed with us for a few days. Nicholas LOVES her and Bubba (Uncle Chris). He has been talking about her non-stop. Nicholas amazes me everyday with his use of words. Today was huge! We were driving home from Karly's appointment and he said, "Miss Manda, Mama". I replied that I missed her too, but we would see her soon. He said, "go get her, Mama". I told him that she wasn't at the airport, she was in Florida. He said, "give her kisses, Mama". I said that we would give her kisses soon. He said, "Manda, up high, plane?". I told him no, Manda would go "up high, on a plane" soon to visit. I just can't believe what he understands!
1 comment:
So funny. I love those band-aid shots. something Evan would do.
Except Evan is mean to his sister, I guess the jealousy is really kicking in now that she is more mobile and taking his toys!
Missed you today, hope to see you soon. :)
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